Keep your projects up to date and under control - here and now

Don't carry your project in your head anymore.
Instant Team will carry it all for you
and you can work in peace.

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What does project management for those who want more look like?

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Start and initiation of the project

The success of the project begins before it starts, when the contract is signed. Therefore, it is important that the sales persons already has tools for rough planning of project deadlines, capacity requirements and financial budget, which then live on with the project and are further developed and updated in subsequent phases, but it is always possible to compare the original idea of the project with its current status.

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Deadline planning

Plan through all projects in a few clicks. The automatic scheduler will automatically suggest a schedule according to your workload and relationships, as well as your capacity. A range of settings is also available to make your system fit you perfectly. If necessary, you can also plan production projects, subcontracts or material circulation.

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Capacities utilization

Planning one small project may seem simple, but what if there are dozens of them running in parallel and the same workers working in them, or sharing the same machines, interacting? Instant Team exploits resource capacities across all projects and takes into account their priorities, working hours of resources and absences.

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Financial management

Enter an hourly resource rate, add material and subcontracting costs, and create a project financial budget that you can easily track throughout the project and across projects.

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Cooperation on projects

Involve all team members in the projects. Do you dream of a perfect organization of work? That everyone will know what to do, no one will miss the deadline, and all follow-up activities will be updated when one of the workers needs more time or gets sick? That's exactly what you get with the Instant Team.

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Monitoring and evaluation of projects

We understand the importance of your projects, so after each change the project is recalculated and you immediately see the deviation from the plan and the impact on other input factors, capacities, processes and follow-up projects. Detailed statistics and analyzes are available to evaluate the success of projects and learn from possible mistakes. When monitoring production projects, you can easily report produced pieces, rejects, time for production and its preparation, or idle time.

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Customization and integration with other applications

You can customize everything you find in the Instant Team. You can also add or remove features you don't need. And, of course, also connect Instant Team with your other business applications.

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Instant Team in numbers:

We have been developing
Instant Team for

18 years

Active users
we have more than

1 400

Improvements developed
in the last year


Number of projects and tasks
that the Instant Team controls

100 000

Today, they work more efficiently in the following companies:

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